
Volunteers are having a break!

Our hardworking volunteers are having a well earned break during the school holidays so Hobson’s Cafe will be closed during August.  We will reopen on Monday 5th September.

The IT buddy sessions will resume on Monday 12th September.

The community centre and the library are still open though!

August 2nd, 2016|Garden, Hobson's Cafe, IT Buddies, Volunteer|

Celebrations at the Centre

Our SUPER volunteers came to our “SOUPER” celebration on Friday 14th for our fantastic volunteers which coincided with National Volunteers week.

The volunteers came for a light lunch of homemade vegetable soup followed by a fabulous selection of cakes and were presented with their certificates of appreciation.

Volunteers help in the cafe, office and library as well as helping people use computers and now with helping to develop our growing area.

Thank you!!!

Volunteers received a certificate of celebration

Volunteers received a certificate of celebration

July 18th, 2016|Events, Volunteer|

Opportunities to volunteer at Hobson’s Cafe

We are keen to open Hobson’s Cafe five days a week so we need some more volunteers to help in the kitchen and with serving the customers.  We are particularly recruiting for Fridays but will be happy to accept applications for other days as well.  Please have a look at the poster below and contact us if you are interested or want to know more about the roles.

cafe role

May 24th, 2016|Hobson's Cafe, Volunteer|

Gardening Volunteers Needed

Do you know how to grow fruit, vegetables, herbs or salads?  Could you coordinate a group of volunteers?

We need someone to help develop our growing area as well as gardeners to tend to the plants.  So far we have got some planters, a cold frame and lots of tools.  You can donate as much as time as you like!

If you are interested please contact Sally on volunteer@hoolecommunitycentre.org.uk or ring 01244 342 741.

May 10th, 2016|Garden, Volunteer|


If you are interested in volunteering have a look at our Volunteer page or for more information drop us an email on volunteer@hoolecommunitycentre.org.uk or click on the documents at the bottom of that page to download the Volunteer application form and role descriptions or phone us on 01244 342741.

April 14th, 2016|Volunteer|

Library Move

Did you know that the library has moved?

The library is now at the front of the building so please drop in and say hello.  If you would like to volunteer in the library or find out the opening times then click on Library Volunteer.

April 4th, 2016|Library, Volunteer|